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Monday, February 14, 2022


                                    PET CARE 

A lot of us keep animals and birds as pets, we love them around us, they are beautiful creatures and are fun, cute, and we just want to cuddle them most of the time, but there is a part of taking care of them and its handwork. They too need care just like you and me! And yearn for attention this is to keep them healthy, fit, and happy.

Pet care is the ability to provide clean, healthy food, water, and shelter that is comfortable, physical exercise for it to stay fit, avail all the necessary vaccines to your pet including routine veterinary checkups. To ensure pet health and happiness you need to be a responsible pet owner by following these necessary pet care steps

Ensure regular veterinarian visits, for cats and dogs once or twice visit in a year is recommended, but this is different when they are young, they go frequently depending on the vets’ schedule, clean teeth and healthy gums play an important role in pets health

Schedule vaccination of your pets as soon as you welcome them to your house, immunization is a vital component for responsible pet care, they prevent diseases that may be fatal

Regular grooming for pets especially cats and dogs is necessary, they may dislike this but baths, brushing, nail trims, and tick removal are key to their well-being.

Regular exercise is an essential part of the pets’ mental and physical health, dogs and cats love to run up and down, these beautiful creatures also love to meet new people, so get them out to walk and socialize!

As a responsible pet owner provide a healthy meal for your pets to meet their nutritional needs, always differentiate their foods depending on their ages, the table remains, salt, garlic, and onions are bad for pets’ health. Also, give them the right quantity of food to avoid obesity due to overfeeding.

Avail clean fresh drinking water throughout to your pets, our pet needs clean water to survive, this keeps them hydrated a d healthy

Provide a cozy shelter for the pets where they can relax and feel safe, ensure they are protected from extreme temperatures and against predators

If you have cats or dogs as pets ensure they wear tags that are microchipped with your contact information







1 comment:


                                     PET CARE  A lot of us keep animals and birds as pets, we love them around us, they are beautiful crea...